High Security Products: Road Blocker Products as Shields for Your Investments

Millions of dollars are invested across the world in setting up establishments with state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities such as malls, hotels, airports, and hospitals, or high-tech government research facilities, data centers, and power plants. Picture a situation where some of these establishments have not got adequate security systems.
Now, imagine what would happen if one of these establishments were to be attacked by vehicle borne thieves or terrorists who are intent on inflicting the maximum possible damage to lives and property, and stealing valuable resources and equipment from them. The loss of lives would be tragic, but the loss from damage to these establishments and their sensitive, and often invaluable contents would be catastrophic.
Understanding the Need for Road Blockers
Many vehicular attacks can be effectively prevented by having a security infrastructure that includes components like road blockers. Road blockers are high security applications comprising a solid metal body made of heavy-duty steel and installed at entry points of vulnerable establishments. They are usually embedded within a concrete foundation at a certain depth in the road and can be raised or lowered with a hydraulic system. Authorized personnel can operate the road blockers through electronic remote controls.
Road blockers are engineered to withstand immense impacts from heavily loaded, speeding vehicles. They are put through a barrage of rigorous tests to ensure their reliability. They stop on-coming vehicles in their tracks and absorb the impact of the crash, leaving the establishment that they are protecting, safe and unharmed.
Investing in High-Security Solutions
It is crucial for vulnerable establishments to invest in the best security systems and infrastructure that can efficiently deter any vehicle borne threats. As a vital component of access control systems, road blockers play a highly effective role in hostile vehicle mitigation, and can save lives, property, equipment, resources, and data.
How to Choose a Suitable Road Blocker for Your Project
There are many types of road blockers that suit a variety of locations and purposes. Security management personnel need to carefully assess the high security requirements and site conditions before selecting the most suitable one. Ideally, they should consult with leading road blocker manufacturers, who can suggest the best option based on their study of the parameters.
Some of the most common types of road blockers are described below:
High Security Shallow Road Blocker PAS68: These hydraulic road blockers have the highest crash ratings, capable of withstanding high-speed impacts from 7500 kg trucks. They have a shallow mount, which makes them ideal for road surfaces where deep excavation is not feasible.
High Security Road Blocker PAS68: These are top of the range road blockers offering the highest levels of security. They are physically crash tested, provide zero penetration, and can be installed at much deeper depths than their shallow mounted counterparts.
Standard Road Blocker: These hydraulic road blockers are highly effective HVM devices suitable for preventing vehicular attacks at various government and private establishments. The installation of the road blockers is easy, as is their operation, and maintenance.
Integrating Road Blockers into Investment Protection Strategies
A comprehensive high security system for any facility includes several components including security cameras with video feeds, security lighting, alarm systems and sensors, electronic and/or biometric access control systems and protocols, and perimeter control equipment. Road blockers are usually the first point of contact for vehicles accessing these facilities.
High-tech hydraulic road blockers equipped with PLC controls can be integrated with various access control systems such as radio-controlled systems, biometric readers, license plate recognition systems, and magnetic, LED, NFC or RFID enabled access cards. This helps create a seamless and holistic security system for enhanced safety and protection.
Ensuring the Longevity of Your Investment with Road Blockers
Road blockers are durable pieces of equipment that can provide efficient service for decades. However, over time, they can be susceptible to mechanical wear and tear, and may develop faults in their hydraulic or electronic components. The best way to ensure the protection of your expensive investment is to maintain a regular preventive maintenance schedule with authorized servicing professionals and replacing worn or faulty components with original spare parts.
Future Trends in High-Security Road Blocker Technology
Road blocker technology is undergoing extensive R&D to make it more compatible with heightened security demands in an increasingly digitalized world. New and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), Big Data, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are being leveraged to integrate the deployment and operation of road blockers with smart, automated systems that are more intuitive, user-friendly, and efficient.
Companies like SABTECH, which is the leading road blocker manufacturer in Saudi Arabia, are deeply involved in developing cutting-edge advanced hydraulic systems technology to make road blockers deploy faster, more resistant to impacts, as well as more energy efficient and sustainable.
Cost-Efficiency and ROI of Road Blocker Solutions
Naturally, given the level of sophistication that goes into producing them, road blockers can be expensive propositions. However, bear in mind the service that they provide; they keep establishments safe and secure, ensuring that valuable and irreplaceable lives and property are protected, often for decades. Moreover, road blockers are durable, corrosion-resistant devices that typically require very little maintenance. Over time, the savings outweigh the costs incurred, making road blockers excellent value for money products.
Investing in the protection of expensive and valuable real estate from vehicular threats and attacks is crucial. Sensitive establishments should budget for a high-tech security system to keep their perimeters safe. Companies like SABTECH are world leaders in hydraulics technology, which goes into manufacturing state-of-the-art perimeter security equipment. As the leading supplier of the Shallow Mount Hydraulic Road Blocker in Saudi Arabia, they have earned an enviable reputation as the trusted security partner for establishments around the world. Their efforts to constantly refine their technology and products to make them more long-lasting, efficient, and cost-effective underlines their commitment to make the world a safer place.
Get in touch with SABTECH today to explore the best road blocker price and specifications for your facility.