Solar-Powered Trash Cans: A Cost-Saving Solution for Urban Areas

Across the world, major cities attract thousands of new people every day, who are drawn by the mesmerizing prospects of better job opportunities and an improved quality of life. Modern, urban cities are characterized by swanky apartment complexes, malls, business centers, and green, open spaces—all bustling with activity. Along with these comes an endless demand for better accommodations, better modes of transport, and various other facilities and amenities that make living in modern cities truly possible.
Among these, often unnoticed and unappreciated, is the role of local municipal authorities, and waste management service providers, who facilitate waste processes in Saudi Arabia to create a clean and hygienic environment through the effective disposal of waste and other waste management systems.
Having said that, there are a number of problems embedded in the processes that have long plagued the authorities, service providers, and the general public itself. Primarily among these is the costs—both direct and indirect—involved in various stages of the process. Let us break them down for a better appreciation of the efforts of those who keep our surroundings clean.
- Trash bins are deployed throughout the city for waste collection. While traditional trash bins are relatively inexpensive, the numbers required to keep up with the quantity and rate of waste generated often proves to be counterproductive.
- Compactors are a better solution to manage waste quantities, but they are more expensive, need more maintenance, and are more difficult to deploy as they need a fixed source of power for operating the compactor mechanism. They are better suited for industrial use and large establishments like airports and shopping malls.
- Traditional trash bins need to be emptied more often, which means that larger numbers of waste management service providers have to make more frequent trips to collect the waste, thus incurring more costs per trip.
- Of course, the assumption in the point above is that the trash bins are filled to capacity. In reality, many are only partially filled, but have to be emptied in any case due to the restrictions placed by the waste collector’s route and schedule. This is a costly and wasteful process, that, however, cannot be neglected.
- While compacting waste collection is a more efficient option, waste collection personnel often have to travel longer distances to collect the waste, making scheduling trash pick-up a hassle.
- With more frequent collections (in the case of trash bins), and longer travel distances (for compactors), the cost of fuel required for waste transportation vehicles is also high. Indirectly, this also results in more carbon emissions, resulting in higher levels of air pollution.
The Advent of Solar
Into this mess, literally shining as a beacon of hope, enter solar-powered trash compactors, propelling urban waste collection into the future. In one brilliant move, they combine the finest attributes of both trash bins and compactors. In addition, they also provide viable solutions to all the other problems outlined in our previous section. Let us see how SAB TECH, the leading manufacturer of solar-powered waste bin compactor in Saudi Arabia, provides innovative solutions for waste management services.
- Powered by 40W photovoltaic cells and a 12 V DC system, this solar powered garbage compactor generates its own electricity. This frees it from the clutches of an on-grid system, allowing it to be deployed just about anywhere within a city. The solar panels also have higher efficiency, overall leading to much lower energy bills.
- The solar-powered trash compactor bin features a robust construction consisting of high-grade Zintec steel, and a galvanized base and feed chute, which makes it adaptable for all weather conditions. Its size (1518 mm height, 698 mm length, 761 mm width) is ideal for both indoor and outdoor deployment, making it more versatile than traditional compactors.
- With 8X more compacting ability, this waste compactor for waste management reduces street waste volume by as much as 90%. This reduces the number of bins to be deployed, the number of trips required to collect trash, as well as the number of personnel and vehicles required. All of this translates to significant cost savings.
- The solar-powered trash compactors are fitted with sensors that indicate the level of garbage collected in the bins. This information is transmitted through Wi-Fi to waste management service providers in real-time, allowing them to schedule pickups more efficiently by prioritizing high volume areas.
- Garbage bins have often been the target of thieves and vandals, leading to theft or destruction that result in significant expenses required to replace or repair them. SAB TECH’s solar-powered bins are self-contained, sealed units equipped with a mechanical interlock that can only be opened by authorized personnel. This prevents thieves and vandals from stealing or damaging them.
Solar Powered Garbage Compactor—Boon or Bane?
Naturally, the question arises: Is this too good to be true? On paper, the solar-powered trash compactor bin ticks all the right boxes. It is energy efficient, generates its own power, and offers phenomenal compacting service. But, what about its upfront costs, and performance and cost benefits in the long run?
While it is true that the solar-powered bins are relatively more expensive, in the long run, the benefits will outweigh the upfront costs. Maintenance is a big area of concern as electrical and mechanical parts suffer from wear and tear over time. However, SAB TECH’s excellent aftersales service and maintenance effectively covers this issue, especially with their cost-effective annual maintenance contracts. They are well-known for the quality and speed of their service and ready availability of spare parts and components.
The solar powered garbage compactor is still in its infancy, but with more advancements in solar technology, and other associated technologies, the cost of production should come down. Additionally, with more widespread adoption, sufficient data will be available that can provide a clearer picture about its future.
Traditional waste collection systems have long suffered from lack of proper infrastructure and use of appropriate technology. With burgeoning waste output, city administrations have a tough time keeping our streets and establishments clean. Solar-powered trash compactors are a highly promising solution to these issues, but their market penetration is limited due to budgetary constraints and lack of awareness. With the increase in both these factors, one can expect an upswing in their adoption across more urban areas, eventually reaching the level of ubiquitousness experienced by mobile phones and computers.
SAB TECH is a leading manufacturer of waste and recycling equipment in Saudi Arabia. Among their most innovative products are solar-powered trash compactors, which are playing a crucial role in changing the face of waste processes in Saudi Arabia. Get in touch with SAB TECH to learn more about their products and services and the technologies they use.